Playbook: First Beat Strategy

Upwind plays are intended to allow teams to execute their strategy upwind.  Generally, strategies can be grouped into two categories:
1.    Outside track
2.    Inside track

Although not always true, these two categories can be closely correlated with the two subcategories of game plan that we discussed before: (1) predicting wind versus (2) fleet managing.  Choosing the outside track implies that we are willing to assume slightly more exposure because of our confidence in a wind prediction.  In contrast, the inside track implies more of a focus on fleet management and playing the angles either because of a shift pattern, confidence in your position when you get  70% of the way to lay line, or because of lack of confidence in wind prediction data.

How do you simplify your upwind strategy?

Sailing Scuttlebutt: Improving the Future of US Olympic Sailing

Check out the latest update on youth sailing in the US from

US Sailing Youth Development Director, Leandro Spina on what factors went into a successful summer for Team USA Youth Sailors:

"I can tell you what factors contributed to their recent success:
  • Embracing a culture of excellence, and working hard to achieve higher standards.
  • Our top youth talent needs to work together, pushing each other and share know-how, all working with the help of top-level coaching and sailing specialists.
  • Top skippers embracing the challenge to become crews and raising the overall level of our teams and fleets is also very important."

Check out the rest of the interview with Sailing Scuttlebutt here