Moving The Needle In Palma

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How do you know you’re moving the needle when it comes to making “better” decisions in racing situations? The key is defining what “better” means, and then finding metrics to measure those aspects of success. We’re experimenting with a few metrics, which we believe have the biggest impact on race outcomes. Step one was identifying and tracking those metrics - a process that we started in Miami. Step two is modifying race course strategies and mentalities, and seeing how they impact the outcomes.

So far, we’re finding that some of these metrics are super useful and important, while others that we originally thought were important don’t seem as critical. We’re comparing our metrics with those from our competitors, and those from past regattas. By presenting the sailors with hard data and helping them to think about the racing in a systematics way, they are empowered to create their own ideas of what works, and what needs to change.

Here’s what sailing in Palma looked like this week.